Monthly Archives: April 2018

Windows 10 Spring Creators Update

The new Spring Creators Update for Windows 10 will be released this week.  There will be many new features with this release, including the ability to resume past activities in timeline and a file sharing feature with nearby devices. There will be other features coming as well, including a rebuilt Game Bar with a new Fluent design UI, a diagnostic data viewing tool in the Security and Privacy section, and Cortana is reportedly easier to use with a new Organizer interface and My Skills tab.

Read more about the new Spring Creators Update for Windows 10 here:

Unpatchable Nintendo Switch Exploit


A newly published exploit for the Nintendo Switch console is unpatchable.  The exploit can’t be fixed via a downloadable patch because the exploit makes use of a vulnerability in the USB recovery mode, circumventing the lock-out operations that would usually protect the bootROM. The flawed bootROM can’t be modified once the chip leaves the factory. Access to the fuses needed to configure the device’s ipatches was blocked when the ODM_PRODUCTION fuse was burned, so no bootROM update is possible.

Nintendo may be able to detect hacked systems when they sign into Nintendo’s online servers. Nintendo could then ban those systems from accessing the servers and disable the hacked Switch’s online functions.

You can read more about the Unpatchable Nintendo Switch Exploit at: