Update on SolarWinds Breach

Back in December, we shared a statement on the SolarWinds Breach on our blog. Thankfully, the SolarWinds software that we provide to our clients was not a part of the corporate scale Orion system and our systems and the software we use was not subject to any data loss or breach.

SolarWinds recently reported a $3.5 million (pre-tax) loss, after paying for legal and other services to remedy the breach. And unfortunately, the company is still dealing with legality issues.

They’re hoping that security knowledge will heighten to avoid this destructive incident from happening again. MarketScreener shared statements and information by SolarWinds:

“Through our investigations into the Cyber Incident, we hope to understand it better, apply our findings to further adapt and enhance our security measures across our systems and our software development and build environments and share our findings and adaptations with our customers, government officials and the technology industry more broadly to help them better understand and protect against these types of attacks in the future. We refer to these adaptations and enhancements as “Secure by Design.”

Source: MarketScreener

If you have any questions regarding this incident, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Karls Technology is a nationwide computer service company with offices in many major cities. This blog post was brought to you from our staff at the Frisco Computer Repair Service, if you need computer repair in Frisco, TX please call or text the local office at (469) 299-9005.

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