Suspicious Computer Problems

Have you seen any of the following potentially malicious computer problems?

  • Unexpected and sudden Start-up of programs
  • Unknown programs are automatically installed on your system
  • Redirection to unwanted and completely different sites than selected
  • Incessant pop-up ads
  • Your email address is sending out spam
  • Webcam light turning on by itself; unexpected sounds played at random
  • Appearance of a new browser toolbar; unwanted change of default search engine
  • Computers regularly “freeze” and Internet speeds are slower than usual

If you answered yes, your machine may have been compromised.

A third party might be controlling your computer without you knowing it. Potential hijackers can spy on your activity, steal your passwords, and load your computer with unwelcome software, all of which can significantly reduce its performance. Karls Technology can help secure your operating system efficiently.

If you have any computer-related questions, please give us a call at 1-800-620-5285.  Karls Technology is a nationwide computer service company with offices in many major cities.  This blog post is brought to you by our staff at the Henderson Computer Repair Service. If you need computer repair in Henderson, NV please call the local office at (702) 800-7850.

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