The infamous Emotet malware has caused trouble again, according to researcher sources.
Back in 2014, Emotet was founded as a banking trojan, deciding on third party malware after using their own. This produced a handful of malicious spamming and stealing personal information.
Tech Radar states on their blog, “In May of last year, Proofpoint researchers observed Emotet delivering third-party payloads including Qbot, The Trick, IcedID and Gootkit. The malware also now loads modules for spamming, credential stealing, email harvesting and spreading via local networks.”
Last week, researchers found an astounding 250,000 e-mails sent out by Emotet after 5 months of inactivity. These e-mails include links with Microsoft Word and will download and install malware to the computer. In turn, hackers can receive any and all data they want.

Companies are the biggest target for Emotet, and come with a hefty problem if not combated with anti-virus software. It’s always best to remember not to open e-mails or attachments that are unknown to the user.
*Update 7/21 – A new scam for a Google Chrome update is circulating around the world, zoning in on multiple organizations. These e-mail scams will download malware if the links are clicked on. Keep an eye out.
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